Best Day Trip Checklist For Your Pet

You have planned an awesome, scenic day trip adventure to go with your best furry buddy, but you are not sure what to take along for the ride. Fear not! We have compiled a list of items that are essential in creating a fun, hassle free, epic trip with your pooch.
1) Pack food and water! This goes without saying… but owners often forget and they resort to street food instead. Which can often upset your pet's stomach. Also, bring extra water and a bowl. If you have the heating or AC on in the car, the dryness in the air will dehydrate your pet more frequently.
2) Pet treats. It’s important to reward your pet for good behavior while traveling and on the road .
3) Poop bags - NSW fines are up to $880 dollars for not cleaning after your pet. Plus it’s embarrassing when you pooch goes in front of a crowd and your stuck empty handed with nothing to clean it up.
4) Toys, blankets, or an old towel. This can help provide a sense of comfort and familiarity for them while in an unknown territory. Also, getting you pet wet may not be on the plans. But if it happens, you will have a something to dry them off with and clean your car.
5) Leash and collar. You don’t want to get caught without one of these! It may put a damp on your outside excursion with your overly excited fur child.
6) Lastly, a carry on bag. Especially if you are going sightseeing on a busy spot with lots of people walking around. You may want to carry your fur baby on a bag that’s light, breathable and easy to carry. Check out our mesh pet carrier bag. This will also help you be hands free to enjoy other things.
If packing all of these things can be a little overwhelming, or if you are running late and don’t have the time to pack. You can choose to purchase our pet travel lunch box that can store food and water in a spill proof container, plus treats! It also comes with the added bonus of a built-in bag dispenser and an additional collar and leash set. All of these things come in one place!
I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips on what to pack for your dog or cat when going on a day trip. Happy travels to you and your pooch!